Wednesday, February 19, 2020

Company Law. Case Study Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Company Law. Case Study - Essay Example Background: Alison Belfield (AB) is a minority shareholder in Commercial Chemical Applications Limited (CCA). Based on AB’s concerns regarding the activities of directors of CCA and the company operations the following facts have come to light. Tom Stockley is a director in CCA who also owns 3% of the shares in Amalgamated Property Holdings Ltd (APH). He introduced the transaction to CCA and is helping in negotiations to buy out APH. AB feels that CCA is not faring well commercially, being burdened with an overdraft of  £3 million, excessive capacity and the need to close down five smaller plants around the country. Any move to acquire APH could push CCA into insolvency. AB, having a financial and property background also feels that the proposed price of APH is too high and in her opinion the financial director, Rachel Nash has over-estimated the worth of APH by  £500,000 to  £600,000. But since Rachel is a chartered accountant by profession, all other directors, who do not have a financial background, rely upon her judgement. APH also has a poor track record of environmental issues, already having being convicted twice for allowing chemicals to leak into the nearby river and under close scrutiny of environmental authorities. The factory too is fairly old and requiring substantial expenditure for its refurbishment which may never happen. The acquisition of APH will inevitably result in the closure of the CCA’s other small plants located in rural areas thereby causing loss of several hundred jobs with very little possibility of being re-employed.

Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Observation about resarch methodologies Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Observation about resarch methodologies - Essay Example Increasingly, though, this means of taking account of the world is being questioned, if not discredited† (Jones). Recent growth in media along with the advances of technology made it too commercialized that it now focuses more on providing information about celebrities than delivering real news. Real news which used to be the meat of the media now even has to compete with late night shows due to this commercialized development. The growth of the media changed itself and has shifted its focus from informing the public about real news that forms opinions to merely reporting news about celebrities. Despite the growing diversity of media outlets that now include newspapers, magazines, radios and cable television, its coverage became more mundane and limited as reporters have become more interested in discussing matters that concern more about celebrities because the public enjoys such stories than giving substantive news. This variety in the media creates competition that editors a nd producers alike are pressured to focus their news base on what people enjoys than what really matters for them to increase their ratings. The best example about this is the media frenzy about Michael Jackson’s death. ... This detailed description reveals the proportion of the coverage the media devotes to Michael Jackson. The news about the death of the pop star fills the press around the world as journalists compete about the newest piece of information to share with millions of people while disregarding other more important news. The continuous coverage and the diversity of the media outlet involved explain how celebrities like Michael Jackson play a key role for the industry to thrive. The news of the pop star’s death has succeeded in rendering any major political, economic or social event futile because radio stations, cable television and newspaper editors place more importance on the pop star’s death no matter how trivial it is. An article relating o the pop star’s death even read and informs: â€Å"From the eerily titled ‘Michael Jackson: The Afterlife,’ which airs locally at 8 p.m. on WNEP to a two-hour interview with Michael Jackson's mother, Katherine, on WBRE-TV at 9 p.m, multiple television specials and tributes to the ‘Thriller’ hit maker will fill the airwaves† (Brown). This overwhelming and continuous coverage reflects the fame of the artist and the demand of the public to whom it is directed. Each medium, according to its specialty deals with a form of information suited to its audience which keeps the discussion going. The coverage may discuss Jackson’s financial issues, his children, or his relationship with his family. This statement indicates: â€Å"Additionally, tabloids such as the New York Post and the New York Daily News are reporting information about the singer's family, and non-tabloids, such as The New York Times and