Wednesday, December 25, 2019

The Cold War And The Soviet War - 1134 Words

The Cold War is the name granted to the tensions that developed between the USA and the USSR after World War II. The Cold War was an era of confrontation and competition between these two world powers that lasted from about 1946 to 1990. The Cold War was to dominate affairs for decades and many major crises occurred such as the Berlin Wall, Hungary, Vietnam, and the Cuban Missile Crisis are just a few examples of the problems that sparked as a result of the Cold War. For most, the growth in weapons of mass destruction was the most worrying issue. Both of these world powers held on to two very different political ideologies that would be a main cause of their disputes. For the USSR it was communism, and for the USA it was capitalism which†¦show more content†¦Mr. Schmitz truly has a first person point of view of how the war really went. For the duration of the interview I found that the three most intriguing and valuable points that affected Mr. Schmitz during the Cold War wa s fighting in the Vietnam War, being located in the exact direction where the missiles of the Cuban Missile Crises were pointed at, and when JFK was assassinated. Mr. Schmitz was very involved in the Vietnam War, being a Lieutenant and Captain in air patrol. He did not think of the war as being indirect but, â€Å"[Mr. Schmitz] thought of it as fighting to destroy, and some people said ‘communism; better red than dead’†. Being a military Captain, he was respected by the people whom which he was fighting to help, those being the people of South Vietnam. Mr. Schmitz studied at the University of Tampa, he said that the Cuban Missile Crisis was, â€Å"scary because [he] was living in Florida at the time, and that is where the missiles were pointed†. Although, he does recall an edge being taken off the public because of the fact that people were soon realizing that the USSR were only using this as a scare tactic and would never act upon their threats. Furthermo re, Mr. Schmitz also remembers the time of JFK’s assassination. He was studying when he learned John F. Kennedy had been assassinated, he remembers â€Å"being in shock when [he] saw on the bulletin, and that

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Strategic Management-Whole Food Market Essay - 1505 Words

Strategic Management-Whole Food Market Whole Foods Market competes in the industry of grocery products. As it come to light from the study his industry is highly competitive. This market’s traites are the low prices and convenience are the dominant factors driving consumers to the supermarkets today. The emergence of the supermarkets in the 1930s was result of a three major changes in society: 1.,The shift in population from rural to urban areas.; 2., An increase in disponsable income.; 3., Increase mobility throught ownership of automobiles. The industry of grocery goods is characterized by low margins anf continous donward pressure on price, made evident by coupons, weekly specials, and rewards cards. The firms come up with†¦show more content†¦The outlets operates by the chains and the supermarkets have a preeminent place in this market. The low prices and convenience are the dominant factors driving consumers to the supermarkets today. It appears that the industrys customers wield a fairly significan t amount of power. In addition, the general trends taking place in retail sales is generally to the advantage of the larger chains. The other dimension of buyer power relates is responsible for generating the derived demand for the manufacturers products. This derived demand is channelled through the customers outlets and adds to their already substantial power base. The trends in consumer shopping behaviour affects the choice of distribution, at the same time it is very important to state that the grocery industry is perhaps the safest and profitable industry in the whole world. The reason for this is that people required food in the past, require now and will require in the future. SUPPLIERS: The power of the industry of grocery of products that supplies the raw materials to the manufacturing industry is relatively low. This is due to the fact that the demand for their products is derived from the demand for foods. TheShow MoreRelatedWhole Foods Market Overview1525 Words   |  7 Pages Whole Foods Market Background Whole Foods Market is an American based retail-chain grocery store. They strictly sell both natural and organic food, offering a variety of products. â€Å"Natural† refers to food that is free of growth hormones or antibiotics, while â€Å"certified organic† food must meet the standards of the US Department of Agriculture (USDA). Whole Foods Market is the leading retailer in the natural and organic foods, with 193 stores in 31 states, Canada, and the United Kingdom. WithRead MoreCrafting and Executing Strategy1582 Words   |  7 PagesRunning Head: EXECUTING STRATEGY Crafting and Executing Strategy Whole Foods Assignment # 1 Strayer University BUS 599: Strategic Management Spring 2013 Develop an argument supporting the importance of a strategic plan for the success of the defined business. 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The other founders are Craig Weller and Mark Skiles who were owners of Clarksville Natural Grocery. They opened their first store in Austin Texas in 1980. In 1992 they completed their initial public offering and under NASDAQ Global Select Market they have the symbol of WFM. As of 2015 they have 431 storesRead MoreCase Study Whole Foods1155 Words   |  5 Pagesthe strategy that Whole Foods Market is pursuing? Fresh natural and organic foods and products with no preservatives or artificial ingredients. Promote healthier eating/lifestyle and increasing consumer knowledge/education of food safety, environment and how pesticides affect the land as well as the human body. 2. Is the strategy well matched to recent developments and conditions in the natural and organic foods segment of the food retailing industry? 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Monday, December 9, 2019

Internet Security free essay sample

An examination of the aspects of Internet security. This paper is about Internet Security issues regarding E-commerce. The author touches on the history and the future of security while also discussing the recent denial of service attacks on several large scale websites. As the Internet becomes more and more a part of our everyday lives, we must consider how this technology will affect the way we live. One major topic of debate in the ever-increasing Internet universe is that of electronic commerce security, or e-commerce security for short. E-commerce, in a nutshell, means shopping online over the World Wide Web. Internet savvy individuals have the opportunity to shop without even leaving the comfort of their own homes. E-commerce has existed for several years now but has recently become the latest phenomenon facing the Internet today. With the recent development of security features such as Active Server Pages (ASP), Secure Socket Layers (SSL), 128-bit encryption, and several other buzzwords of which consumers are not fully aware, e-commerce seems safer than ever. We will write a custom essay sample on Internet Security or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page

Sunday, December 1, 2019

Inflation Rises free essay sample

Q. 1) It has been argued that inflation is both good and bad. How can this be? Explain. Are government efforts to control inflation well-advised? Explain. In economics, inflation is a rise in general level of prices of goods and services in an economy over a period of time. When the general price level rises , each unit of currency buys fewer goods and services. It is a loss of real value in the internal medium of exchange and unit of account in the economy. A chief measure of price inflation is the inflation rate. As inflation rises, every dollar we own buys a smaller percentage of good or service. The value of a dollar does not stay constant when there is inflation. The value of a dollar is observed in terms of purchasing power. When inflation goes up, there is a decline in the purchasing power of money. Inflation is a symptom of a growing economy. We will write a custom essay sample on Inflation Rises or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page If we have no inflation, our economy is not growing. Moderate rates of inflation allow prices to adjust and are sign of a healthy economy. Due to inflation there is circulation of money. Usually if prices go up, wages tend to go up with it sooner or later, so everything balances out. Just look 50 years back, both wages and prices were much lower than they are now. That doesn’t mean everything was cheaper. Without inflation most assets would decline in value, and business profits would evaporate, along with any chance of gainful employment. The only people who would benefit would be creditors, and that to, only if they were lucky enough to find people who wanted to borrow their money. That would be doubtful, since business and investment opportunity would be nil, providing little reason to be a borrower. If inflation were zero, or if prices were actually falling business profits would fall, too. A steady rate of inflation has no effect on debt. If we have negative inflation, the economy is probably shrinking. If there are people spending money (a good economy, unless people borrow everything they are spending), then the price of goods start to go up as demand increases. Then people want to be paid more so that they can still afford to buy the things they need and want which puts more money into the economy, which makes the prices go up again. It is like a wage spiral. The reason inflation is bad is that wage increases always lag behind price increases. So inflation hurts regular people. There is also a lot to consider with interest rates, loans, and fairness to people. There exists a lower international competitiveness. Basic cost of manufacturing rises. The government tries to control it through the use of the central banking system which attempts to fluctuate the supply of money as a means of controlling the economy. Canada’s annual rate of inflation, which had reached a high of 12. 5 per cent in 1981, has averaged 2 per cent since 1991. Canadian monetary policy is aimed at promoting price stability and harnessing the benefits of low inflation.